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Mobile App Development 

It’s time to learn mobile app development with MIT App Inventor. Be the architect of your app kingdom and conquer coding dragons, design interactive user interfaces, and develop fully functional mobile apps. Discover the basics of coding, design, and problem-solving under the guidance of our expert instructors, and let the app-making adventure begin. 

Introduction to MIT App Inventor

Explore MIT App Inventor and discover how to use this block-based visual programming language to create apps for mobile phones or tablets. 

Hello Purr App Creation

Create a Hello Purr app showing a picture of a cat that meows when you touch it and purrs when you shake your mobile. 

PaintPot App

Use the PaintPot app to create drawings on the screen using a variety of colors. You can also capture an image and continue drawing directly onto the captured picture with this app. 


Explore the MoleMash app where a mole pops up at random locations on the screen, moving once every second. Tapping the mole causes the device to vibrate, increment a display of “hits” (increasing it by one), and move the mole immediately to a new location. Conversely, if you miss the mole, the screen will display “misses.” Eventually, pressing a “Reset” button would reset the hit counts and misses. 

Answering Machine

Build an app that auto-responds to text messages received while adults are driving (or in the office, etc.). Besides, the app also transcribes text messages aloud and even sends location information as part of the automated text reply. 

Ladybug Chase

In this app, you can control a ladybug by tilting the device. The screen shows an energy-level bar on the screen which decreases over time, leading to the ladybug’s starvation. You have to make the ladybug chase and eat aphids to gain energy and prevent starvation. Help the ladybug avoid a frog that wants to eat it. 

Tour Map

This app will act like a tour guide for a holiday trip. When a tourist place is selected, the app opens Google Maps on the mobile and gives you more details and directions for the place. 

Find Car

Your father parks his vehicle near the stadium. However, when the game ends, he has no clue where the car is. With the Find Car app, you click a button when you park your car, and the mobile uses its location sensor to record the car’s GPS coordinates and address. Later, when you reopen the app, it gives you directions from your current location to the parking place. 

MakeQuiz and TakeQuiz

Build a MakeQuiz app that lets a “teacher” create quizzes using an input form. The quiz questions and answers will be stored in a web database (on the internet) so that “students” can access a separate TakeQuiz app and take the test. 

Group Chat

Build a broadcast hub app for the school football Team (SFT), a group that uses the hub to organize matches and practice anywhere, anytime. The team members will register with the group by texting “joinSFT” to the hub, and anyone who is registered can broadcast messages to everyone else in the group. 

Best Price

Finally, create the Best Price app that allows you to check the current price of your favorite book on Amazon. Simply scan the book or enter its ISBN, and the app will provide you with complete pricing details. 

  Course Fee: 10,000 PKR 50% OFF For Pakistan

   Promotion Code:       VGMMIDC3

  Total Sessions:         8

  Age Group:                 10+

  Platform:                    MS Teams

  Language:                  English


  Course Starting:      18th November       

  Class Time:               02:00 PM – 03:30 PM

  Day:                            Every Saturday 

  Course Fee:         10,000 PKR 

  50% OFF For Pakistan  

  Promotion Code:  VGMMIDC3

  Total Sessions:    8

  Age Group:          10+

  Platform:              MS Teams

  Language:           English


 Course Starting:  18th November       

 Class Time:         2:00 PM – 3:30 PM

 Day:                      Every Saturday   

Introduction to MIT App Inventor

Explore MIT App Inventor and discover how to use this block-based visual programming language to create apps for mobile phones or tablets. 

Hello Purr App Creation

Use the PaintPot app to create drawings on the screen using a variety of colors. You can also capture an image and continue drawing directly onto the captured picture with this app. 

Answering Machine

Build an app that auto-responds to text messages received while adults are driving (or in the office, etc.). Besides, the app also transcribes text messages aloud and even sends location information as part of the automated text reply. 

Ladybug Chase

In this app, you can control a ladybug by tilting the device. The screen shows an energy-level bar on the screen which decreases over time, leading to the ladybug’s starvation. You have to make the ladybug chase and eat aphids to gain energy and prevent starvation. Help the ladybug avoid a frog that wants to eat it. 

Tour Map

This app will act like a tour guide for a holiday trip. When a tourist place is selected, the app opens Google Maps on the mobile and gives you more details and directions for the place. 

Find Car

Your father parks his vehicle near the stadium. However, when the game ends, he has no clue where the car is. With the Find Car app, you click a button when you park your car, and the mobile uses its location sensor to record the car’s GPS coordinates and address. Later, when you reopen the app, it gives you directions from your current location to the parking place. 

MakeQuiz and TakeQuiz

Build a MakeQuiz app that lets a “teacher” create quizzes using an input form. The quiz questions and answers will be stored in a web database (on the internet) so that “students” can access a separate TakeQuiz app and take the test. 

Group Chat

Build a broadcast hub app for the school football Team (SFT), a group that uses the hub to organize matches and practice anywhere, anytime. The team members will register with the group by texting “joinSFT” to the hub, and anyone who is registered can broadcast messages to everyone else in the group. 

Best Price

Finally, create the Best Price app that allows you to check the current price of your favorite book on Amazon. Simply scan the book or enter its ISBN, and the app will provide you with complete pricing details. 

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Mobile App Development Pak

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